Saturday, 4 May 2013

Something in the water

Quite possibly my most favourite secondhand purchase arrived at its new home today:

Squealing like a 5 year old girl right now.  Can't wait to get stuck in and pretty this little thing up.

Checking out the new 'naughty step'.  (I'm joking. Sort of.)

In case you were wondering about the significance of the title, I spent one hour cleaning off the grease and grime today, resulting in many, many bucketloads of this:

So, now you know what I'll be doing this weekend.  Here's some music to help you enjoy yours wherever you may be.


  1. Where did you find that? Can't wait to see what you do with it and where it ends up!

    1. This was in a mechanic's garage that has gone out of business. My heart did little skips of joy when I saw it, I've been looking for one of these for A. Very. Long. Time.

  2. Man seeing people's blogs some days just makes you jealous. I um and r'd (spelling?) about selling my Mother in Laws one slightly similar to this when she passed away. I'd decided to keep it but was so sick on Garage Sale day I didn't go and forgot to say I did want it, thinking my Man was on the same page as me. It was sold for $30. That's right $30. Lesson which I still haven't learnt is- never assume my Man is on the same page. Still pisses me off today when I see something similar. Might this be going by the front door by any chance?

    1. Oh no! That is a real shame. Take heart in the fact that you made someone happy that day, and your turn for a bargain will come. I really would have loved a 3 bay locker, those things are so hard to come by - actually that's not true, they are around but they come with a pretty hefty price tag usually. As for this locker's new home, I can neither confirm nor deny its location - you shall just have to wait and see *smiles enigmatically*.

  3. Ooooh looking forward to seeing what you do with it. can only be awesome :)

    1. It might be some time before I post an update, looks like the winter weather is well and truly here!


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