Tuesday, 8 January 2013

For my next trick

The plan is to restore this old school desk.  It was given to Sienna by her aunty (yay for Aunties!).
Apart from the painted lid and stickers, it is in fairly original condition.  I'm hesitant to guess the wood type, apart from saying it's native timber.  My husband thinks knows it's rimu.

In keeping with my last furniture restoration attempt, it may be another three months before this project is completed.

 Stay tuned.


  1. oooo! can't wait to see if finished, what a cool desk!

    1. It is a great, sturdy piece - and no borer either!

  2. Don't you hate those dam stickers when you try to repaint something!

    1. I started that job last night and had to really scrape one or two stubborn stickers with a blunt knife, but this method worked for the other ones - dab the sticker with a cloth soaked in turps, leave for a minute or two and the sticker peels off with little to no residue remaining on the wood.


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